2015/07/01 - [게임/캐쥬얼게임] - 하루만에 끝나는 게임 Greening 처음 앱스토어
Greening게임 어플을 실행하면
바로 튜토리얼이 나오게 됩니다
바닥에 떨어진 별똥별을 모으면 에너지를 얻을 수 있고 에너지는 게임을 하는데 요긴하게 쓰입니다
우주선을 클릭하시면
왼쪽 위에서부터 오른쪽으로 차례대로 무기창고, 청소기, 탐지기, 도감책, 설정 순으로 있습니다
무기창고를 클릭하시면
무기를 사실 수 있는데 클릭하시면 무기를 사실 수 있습니다
무기를 사셨으면 우주선에서 나오셔요
그 전과는 다른 운석이 우주에서 떠돌아다니고 있어요
무기를 사셨으니 운석을 향해 공격을 하셔서 운석을 깨뜨리세요
운석을 깨뜨리시면 행성바닥에 운석조각이 떨어집니다
운석조각을 모으시면 별똥별을 통해 얻은 에너지 보다 큰 에너지를 얻을 수 있어 엔딩을 보는 시간을 줄여줍니다
다음 우주선을 클릭하셔요
Greening을 클릭하세요
에너지 주입을 꾹 누르고 있으면
Greening이 증가했는걸 볼 수 있어요
이 게임의 목적은 Greening을 100%까지 올려서 엔딩을 보는것이니 에너지를 모아서 Greening에 에너지를 주입해야 되요
우주선 밖을 나오게 되면
이제 튜토리얼은 끝이나게 되고 본격적으로 게임이 시작하게 됩니다
Green the Planet is a charming title that focuses on comet blasting and resource collecting. With a few certain strategies and shortcuts, players can beat this game quite quickly.
Here are some tips and learnings from my round with Green the Planet mobile game.
Rugged Comets are Easier to Break
If you are overwhelmed with the comets available, try targeting the more rugged comets with a noticeable rocky texture. These are more brittle comets that will have a better chance at breaking.
Focus on Upgrading the Missile and Lazer Type (Ignore the Cannon)
For lazy attacks, I recommend using the Missile as it has a heat seeking ability to target comets. Lazers on the other hand are much stronger attacks, but require you to aim.
The cannon is an irrelevant and weak attack weapon. It’s best to ignore this weapon and focus on the other two options in order to grow.
Hold Down for Continuous Attacks
Rather than tapping continuously, simply hold the target in position and drag around for direct impact. For lakers, you can drag from left to right in order to zap multiple comets at once.
The Auto Attacker is the Goal
It’s costly, but once you reach this weapon, you will win the game shortly after. It is a costly tool at 100,000,000 energy points, but it is efficient in collecting more points to be used towards the greening.
Comet Detection Rate and Speed are the Most Important
In order to rack up the energy points, you’ll need to detect more gems and valuables from the comets. This allows comets to drop more opportunities to collect massive points that can be used towards upgrades.
Level Up As Soon As You Can
Keep a mental note of how much each upgrade is. The faster you do so, the more efficient your resource collecting, detection, and attack methods become. Also, level up all the way to max.
Don’t Collect While Attacking, Let the Stones Pile Up Instead
By letting the treasures and stars pile up on the planet surface, it will reach a peak where your ship will start collect stars automatically for each time it overloads. This is a great opportunity to multitask and earn plenty of points.
Greening, Greening, Greening
Don’t forget that the main goal is to increase the greening % to 100. Whenever you have resources available that isn’t going to use, use it towards greening.
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